In films, you are a commodity. You are a look, something that the camera really likes, something that has struck an audience in a certain way. It's not really so much about transforming yourself the way actors do onstage. I think there's a difference between the skill of acting in movies and onstage.

I go through periods where I don't shop at all, and then I go crazy and buy everything in sight. I never know what to wear, and I'm at my worst before an audition. I pull everything out of the closet, throw it on my bed. I'll get entirely dressed and then take it all off again until I'm in a kind of frenzy.

As an actress, I always felt like the people you met on set were interchangeable with the people you met on other sets - the grips, the gaffers, the actors, the directors - everybody steps into their role.

I had wanted to be a movie star and had thought I would be a movie star since I was very little. It was just something I saw in my future. But somehow when it happened, I wasn't ready for it.

My life has gotten so much better since I turned 40.

It's glamorous when a movie is released, but then you feel disconnected from it. Someone asked if it wouldn't be more glamorous for me being on Broadway rather than Off Broadway, but I thought, 'What's the difference?' The Orpheum is a smaller house, that's all. And there are no mikes, so you just talk louder.

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